Upside Down Podcast

Season 6 | Episode 90: Nevertheless, We Persisted


What does it mean to persist these days, and what do we desire to persist toward? Co-hosts Lindy Wallace, Kayla Craig, Alissa Molina, and Patricia Taylor kick off our sixth season with a conversation about the long game of persistence and why we’re still here.

In this episode, we:

  • Talk about why we’re still showing up on this “little podcast that could” 
  • Dig into the meaning of persistence: how it’s both opposing something and imagining how it could be better
  • Discuss how the definition of persisting has been twisted and weaponized in toxic ways that are detrimental to our health and well-being
  • Ask ourselves the question, “What are we persisting toward?” What is the endgame we are reaching for?
  • Dive into how persistence intersects with rest, how both are acts of resistance, and the invitation to join the long line of those who have resisted before us
  • Consider how persisting can be an act of self-discovery, empowering us to get to the truer version of ourselves by identifying what we say yes or no to
  • Give you a bit of a teaser about this season’s offerings

Join us as we launch Season 6 with the theme of persistence. Our hope is that you come away inspired to go with intention and take heart that to persist is to imagine something beautifully just and whole for everyone. 

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